Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Audio message from Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden's new Audio message released:
A recording purported to have been made by Osama Bin Laden shortly before he died has been released by al-Qaeda.
In the message, he praises the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and speaks of a "rare historic opportunity" for Muslims to rise up.

This audio message is 12 minute long, appeared on a video posted on Islamist websites, and has been translated by the US monitoring group SITE intelligence.

Laden was shot dead on 2 May by US Navy Seals at a Pakistan compound.

Speculation is mounting that al-Qaeda has appointed a former Egyptian army colonel, Saif al-Adel, as temporary leader to replace Bin Laden.

Adel was once Bin Laden's security chief, and is suspected of involvement in the 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa, training the Somali fighters who killed 18 US servicemen in Mogadishu in 1993, and instructing some of the 11 September 2001 hijackers.

He fled to Iran from Afghanistan after the US-led invasion in 2003, and was reportedly held under house arrest near Tehran. Reports at the end of last year said he may have been released and made his way to northern Pakistan.

Some Western analysts have expressed scepticism over reports of his appointment. Bin Laden's long-time deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri, also Egyptian, is thought to be the front-runner for the role.

Click Here to view List of attacks done by Osama bin Laden

Source: BBC


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