Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama bin laden is killed by US

News on Osama bin laden dead.

Osama bin Laden leader and founder of Al-Qaeda, the world's most wanted terrorist, was killed in Pakistan as the result of a U.S. military operation, President Obama announced to the nation Sunday night.

The historic revelation comes about 4 months before the 10th anniversary of the devastating Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, which were executed by the Al Qaeda network helmed by Bin Laden and prompted the start of a war on terror that has dominated U.S. foreign policy.
There was 25 million dollar of reward who provide his information. It has been certain that he was killed in Afghanistan but it is still uncertain who else were killed with him. Previously it was not known that whether he was killed in Pakistan or in Afghanistan. But recently few news channels announce that Al-Qaeda founder and leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed by US ground forces in Pakistan.
According to news, Osama bin laden is not killed by any drone attack in Afganistan,however he was killed by the search operation in mansion. Osama was killed in Abbottabad, that is around 80 miles nother of Islamabad. CIA located Osama in pakistan with the help of pakistani intelligence (ISI).
After this news, cheering crowd gathers out site White House can be seen in a mass and celebrating at ground Zero. (source, CNN)


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